
s a Catholic school system, our educational philosphy is based upon three pillars of formation: Pillar One: Intellectual Intellectual formation is the formation pillar most commonly associated with “education” in general. Indeed, “the intellectual nature of the human person reaches its final perfection, and needs to do so, through the wisdom which gently draws the human mind to seek and love what is true and good, and which leads it through visible realities to those which are invisible” – Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes 15 Pillar Two: Human Holding fast to the theological principle that grace perfects nature, Catholic human formation begins with a sound understanding of human nature, which is made in the image of God and called to participate in his likeness through the life of supernatural grace. This education focuses on both the human virtues, such as prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, and humility; as well as on the theological virtues faith, hope, and charity. These human virtues form the proper foundation for growing in holiness and Christian maturity. Pillar Three: Religious The Religious Formation pillar encompasses the human and intellectual pillars of formation by providing a supernatural finality to the entirety of our educational efforts. All things are to be seen in the light of the surpassing grace of knowing and loving Jesus Christ who draws the baptized up into the joy of communion with the Most Holy Trinity.

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