color RUN 2022 project HOPE A COMMUNITY WELLNESS EVENT TUESDAY, JULY 19TH @ 5PM VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK BISMARCK CANCER Project HOPE week will kick off with a color RUN/WALK for the whole family! $20 REGISTRATION FEE Registration starts at 4pm at the Stark County Veterans Pavillion and the color RUN/WALK at 5pm TO REGISTER VISIT: Join us at the Veterans Memorial Park in Dickinson for an afternoon of celebration and fun. CENTER Survivorship CELEBRATION ICE CREAM SOCIAL BISMARCK CANCER CENTER July 19, 2022 5:30pm - 7:00pm MT STARK COUNTY VETERANS PAVILLION LIVE MUSIC 3rd Annual Cancer Survivor Ice Cream Social Feel free to bring a lawn chair and enjoy the live music! color RUN 2022 project HOPE A COMMUNITY WELLNESS EVENT TUESDAY , JULY 19TH @ 5PM VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK BISMARCK CANCER Project HOPE week will kick off with a color RUN / WALK for the whole family ! $ 20 REGISTRATION FEE Registration starts at 4pm at the Stark County Veterans Pavillion and the color RUN / WALK at 5pm TO REGISTER VISIT : Join us at the Veterans Memorial Park in Dickinson for an afternoon of celebration and fun . CENTER Survivorship CELEBRATION ICE CREAM SOCIAL BISMARCK CANCER CENTER July 19 , 2022 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm MT STARK COUNTY VETERANS PAVILLION LIVE MUSIC 3rd Annual Cancer Survivor Ice Cream Social Feel free to bring a lawn chair and enjoy the live music !