Check Out These Leading Bale Beds C5MFG. C5 Manufacturing offers a hay bale bed for sale for every customer. Rancher Bale Bed for those operator looking for best value in a bale bed dumping Chisholm Trail bed, which has features no other bale bed can compare to. Butler Beds Versatile by design, Butler Arm Beds thrive on the ranch. Improve feeding efficiencies by transporting two bales at a time. The free-floating arm feature allows for easy unrolling of bales, reducing waste over rough terrain. DICKINSON DE TRUCK Ap EQUIPMENT Hwy 22 S. (1012 1st Ave SE) | Dickinson, ND 58601 1-800-743-2934. 483-4369 | Check Out These Leading Bale Beds C5MFG . C5 Manufacturing offers a hay bale bed for sale for every customer . Rancher Bale Bed for those operator looking for best value in a bale bed dumping Chisholm Trail bed , which has features no other bale bed can compare to . Butler Beds Versatile by design , Butler Arm Beds thrive on the ranch . Improve feeding efficiencies by transporting two bales at a time . The free - floating arm feature allows for easy unrolling of bales , reducing waste over rough terrain . DICKINSON DE TRUCK Ap EQUIPMENT Hwy 22 S. ( 1012 1st Ave SE ) | Dickinson , ND 58601 1-800-743-2934 . 483-4369 |