THANK YOU For Staying With Us Technoloy is an incredible ching i allows us 0o stay coenected with frends and family who live halhway across the world and shop Soe anything undee the sun without ever getting feem the ceuch. It gives us the bly to see phetos of our grandchildren who can only visit once a year and tind new reeipes to make at Thankspiving th will ineviably trn out worse thin the pikbures tn opens us up to a whele new woeld wide web of possibiities Bat in doingso, it also diuupts the industries we've come to know and love Where you once hailed ataad aid pakt a drivet from a cab compay, you now request an ter or lyft from your phone and pay your neighbor dewm the street Where you used to renta DVD fren your seighboehood Blockbusber, you now pay a monthly subucription to Netflix or Helu and velect your favorite shows from the coendot of hoene. Wihere many esed to loek foeward to the Monday meening paper at their doortep, a majoeny are row getting their news in real-time by visting our websites from trie desktop, phoe or tablet As you know, the decline in print subicribers daring this age of digital disruption hs led ts Do forego one day of peint editions at many ofour pblkations, inding this one. t's a decision that has bee ad or many people.t's a decision that has been hard for e Chnage always is When we nnouncedoMonday print edition would be discontinssnd, mahy of our ceaders feared that meant the Monday news wasging away, Bu that coudn't be faether feom the trh Newngaper is a medium one we are very pissionate about continsing the remaining days ef the week Bas paper dees not male the news. We do And even though you mary ok see aMonday papre on your doces rp, we will contisue to deliver the news 26 hours a day, 7 days a week, 65 days a year. And we can do that because of our talemted bnas of eeportees and edibons, because of the people in our oemmunities whe alow us into theit homes, schools and meighborhoods and-bece of technollogy ou see, even thoogh technology is a disrapoor, pushing us outside of our comfort nones, it also allows us to do things we've ever done before. ft lets us deliver digital seplica of the news via oure-ediion ustaer mdnight so you can read the bo dlines on youe own time and in your prefetred foemat It allows us to email you the dally heaines you care most about for the momings when you only have tine to skim And it enables our reportens to mone emily capoure video to accompany thele stories, so you cas feel like you were right theee beside them, even when you Technology is improving evvry day, and so are we. You 100n ser dungn so our websites ind mobile as ect tha, as our teams are cureently working make improvements to our gital expenses to deliver the content you want. when and wee you wnt it kenow the change in or print run has bowe hard for some people- maindy because I'm one of thes Bet from the bo of my heaet, I wast so tnk yeo for trusting an and continaing to sapport us as we mavigate therse changes, tognthee We can delhver the news wwhout paper, We can't deliver the news without yon S thank you for sapperting us in the changes Uhat hne alteady takrn place and for trusting us as we inevitably face changes in che fre Technology isn't going anywhere. Bat neither ase we Fee more than a hendeed of local news you can Es. Thunk you foe allowing is to centirse that tradition. ll Manil CEO of Feeum Communkations Conmpany The Dickinson Press