Together we give. Nov 29, 2022 COUCATION FIELDS MRS. ECHOLARSHI Every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give. Make someone smile, help a neighbor or a stranger, volunteer, or give some of what you have to a good cause. All gifts matter. GI ING TUESDAY Donate to the Dickinson Public Schools Foundation's General fund or the Mrs. Jan Fields Education Scholarship. TO DONATE, SCAN QR CODE: OR GO TO: Dickinson Public Schools FOUNDATION Select General Fund or Mrs. Fields Education Scholarship on the dropdown menu OR MAIL TO: DPS Foundation, 444 4th St W, Dickinson, ND 58601 FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: Karen at 701-590-0495 This ad is sponsored by LADBURY Funeral Service & Cremation Services 1133 1-94 Business Loop East Dickinson, ND 701-264-7195 | Together we give . Nov 29 , 2022 COUCATION FIELDS MRS . ECHOLARSHI Every act of generosity counts , and everyone has something to give . Make someone smile , help a neighbor or a stranger , volunteer , or give some of what you have to a good cause . All gifts matter . GI ING TUESDAY Donate to the Dickinson Public Schools Foundation's General fund or the Mrs. Jan Fields Education Scholarship . TO DONATE , SCAN QR CODE : OR GO TO : Dickinson Public Schools FOUNDATION Select General Fund or Mrs. Fields Education Scholarship on the dropdown menu OR MAIL TO : DPS Foundation , 444 4th St W , Dickinson , ND 58601 FOR MORE INFO CONTACT : Karen at 701-590-0495 This ad is sponsored by LADBURY Funeral Service & Cremation Services 1133 1-94 Business Loop East Dickinson , ND 701-264-7195 |