IF YOU HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH HEARING LOSS ...LOOK NO FURTHER Consider looking through your options for hearing aids At Miracle-Ear", we have hearing solutions that can make a tremendous difference in the life of those suffering from hearing loss. With more than 1,400 locations nationwide and more than 70 years of industry experience, our brand has a reputation for reliability and quality care. Our store specializations: Hearing loss Tinnitus Hearing aid repair After care Hearing protection Custom-fit Reliable Long-Term Care After your initial visit, our hearing aid center will provide you with continual check-ups to give you the peace of mind that your hearing aids are continuing to function at an optimal level. At your checkup, we'll be careful to: Inspect your ears for wax buildup Change the batteries in your hearing aid Ensure that your unit is fitting correctly Give your hearing aid a thorough cleaning Book a free no-obligation hearing consultation. Receive a free hearing test from a licensed professional. Get customized hearing solutions for your lifestyle and budget. all and Schedule your FREE HEARING EVALUATION Miracle-Ear Hear A Better Day" Heidi Uecker-Schmidt | 112 3rd St. W, Suite 203 - Dickinson HIS, BS, MBA, Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist 701-483-3588-866-396-8388 www.miracle-ear-dickinson.com IF YOU HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH HEARING LOSS ... LOOK NO FURTHER Consider looking through your options for hearing aids At Miracle - Ear " , we have hearing solutions that can make a tremendous difference in the life of those suffering from hearing loss . With more than 1,400 locations nationwide and more than 70 years of industry experience , our brand has a reputation for reliability and quality care . Our store specializations : Hearing loss Tinnitus Hearing aid repair After care Hearing protection Custom - fit Reliable Long - Term Care After your initial visit , our hearing aid center will provide you with continual check - ups to give you the peace of mind that your hearing aids are continuing to function at an optimal level . At your checkup , we'll be careful to : Inspect your ears for wax buildup Change the batteries in your hearing aid Ensure that your unit is fitting correctly Give your hearing aid a thorough cleaning Book a free no - obligation hearing consultation . Receive a free hearing test from a licensed professional . Get customized hearing solutions for your lifestyle and budget . all and Schedule your FREE HEARING EVALUATION Miracle - Ear Hear A Better Day " Heidi Uecker - Schmidt | 112 3rd St. W , Suite 203 - Dickinson HIS , BS , MBA , Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist 701-483-3588-866-396-8388 www.miracle-ear-dickinson.com