28TH ANNUAL CABIN FEVER BENEFIT RAFFLE WINNERS AND THANKS Fatty Heinz and Laura Griffin are the raffle winners for the two Grand Prize travel certificates from All American Travel awarded at Cabin Fever Benefit Raffle. Other winners were: 65" TV Adam Seidler, 2 Beef - West Dakota Oil, $500 Heather Kostelecky, $250 Joe Wanner, $100 Heidi Hanson, Mike Booke & Kim Knecht, ¼ Beef-Mallison In The Woods The Dickinson Roughrider Commission gratefully acknowledges all who supported the 28th Annual Cabin Fever Benefit, which was held February 9, 2019 at the Eagles Club of Dickinson. Proceeds from the event will be used locally to purchase supplies and improvements for the Bismarck Ronald McDonald House. Proceeds are also used to purchase fuel cards to help families i Southwestern ND with travel expenses for medical needs. Thank you to all who donated cash, merchandise, service and time. Thank you to all who purchased admission tickets, raffle tickets and auction items. The contributions to the event including publicity, supper, dance, auction, raffle and breakfast by numerous residents and businesses of southwestern North Dakota are greatly appreciated Again, your support has helped make the Ronald McDonald House "The House that Love Built!" 001834202r1