Drive-Thru Influenza Vaccination When: Saturday, October 1st Times: 10:00AM - 1:00PM Call to schedule: 701-483-0171 Where: 528 21st St W, Dickinson For: Ages 6 months and older We file all Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sanford Health insurances, Medicare, and ND Medicaid. . . Southwestem Dimicr Health Unit We accept check, cash, or credit. Public Health Prevent, Promote, Protect Clinic Please call the office if payments are a barrier. High Dose Influenza Vaccine for 65 years and older will be available. Walk-ins are welcome. Appointments are appreciated. PREVENT. PROMOTE. PROTECT. Drive - Thru Influenza Vaccination When : Saturday , October 1st Times : 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Call to schedule : 701-483-0171 Where : 528 21st St W , Dickinson For : Ages 6 months and older We file all Blue Cross Blue Shield , Sanford Health insurances , Medicare , and ND Medicaid . . . Southwestem Dimicr Health Unit We accept check , cash , or credit . Public Health Prevent , Promote , Protect Clinic Please call the office if payments are a barrier . High Dose Influenza Vaccine for 65 years and older will be available . Walk - ins are welcome . Appointments are appreciated . PREVENT . PROMOTE . PROTECT .