Who Should Be in the Driver's Seat, Parent or Child? As we look at setting rules/limits for our children, this is one of the questions we must ask ourselves. A child's job is to push rules/limits; the parents'/caregivers' job is to set them. PARENTS EXPLORE: how to avoid conflict with your child how to encourage responsibility and working alongside authority CHILDREN EXPLORE: how and why rules are important self-management learn how to set their own boundaries setting boundaries as a family How to resolve problems How to prevent frustrating nowin power struggles SPONSORED BY: * How to build trust, consideration and respect. SIGN UP TODAY!! To register for the program call 701-456-0007 or email skilwein@dpsnd.org or go to www.dickinson.k12.nd.us/westdakota/ dickinson-sessions/ Adeeaa NDSU EXTENSION sunus ea outh Bureau A Research-based Rule-setting Program for Parents/Caregivers and Youth West Dakota Parent and Family Resource Center Begins Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Supper: 5:30pm | Session: 6-7:30pm 424th St. West Dickinson, ND ouse Rules